Dear First Parish Community,
One major component of the Church’s charitable giving is the Community Grant Program. We are pleased to announce that currently there is approximately $40,000 available to support the church’s mission in the larger community through this program. These funds were raised through the Clam Festival and Christmas Fair. We are deeply grateful to our church community for their work to raise these funds.
It is through the generosity of our congregation with your pledges and other donations that support the full operating budget of the Church that allows us to dedicate fundraising proceeds to charitable giving.
The purpose of the Community Grant Program is to assist those struggling with hunger, housing, and physical and mental health. We also recognize that issues of environmental sustainability, climate change, and economic and social justice need support to ensure the long term quality of life for all people.
We are now accepting nominations for community grants that meet the purpose stated above, up to $3,000 each. All members of our church community are welcome to nominate an organization for a Community Grant. The application can be found here.
Please email, mail or drop off your nomination to the church office using the address below:
Church Administrator
First Parish Church
116 Maine St.
Yarmouth, ME 04096
All nominations application forms must be received by March 29, 2024 at 3:00 PM.
The Charitable Giving Committee will review the nominations with respect to the purpose of the Community Grant Program and recommend to the Trustees how the funds should be disbursed.
We are truly blessed to have funds to give during a time of great need.
With gratitude,
Charitable Giving Committee & Board of Trustees
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